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Greetings FFHS Class of 1966. It's hard to believe it won't be long until we celebrate our 60th reunion! Please mark your calendars for Fri-Sat October 2-3, 2026 and begin thinking about joining us during at this beautiful time of year in Otter Tail County. In addition to activities for mingling with each other later Friday and during the day on Saturday, our big event will be held Saturday at the Bigwood Conference Center starting with a social happy hour around 4:00 followed by a casual buffet and a short program. Stay tuned for more updates in 2025 but please don't hesitate to contact any one of us with your questions, ideas or suggestions.
In the meantime, our best regards to you and your loved ones during this season of joy and thanksgiving.....from:
Carlton Bjerkaas, Mary Jo Melby Christenson, Bev Dalluge Runningen, Linda Earle Lorenz, Vicki Engen Heydt, Tom Hintgen, Jo Anne Hoff Collins, David Stock, David Steussy and Margaret Welle Moore
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Planning for our FFHS Class of '66 60th class reunion in 2026 is underway already.....60 years? How can that be?!? Committee members met last month in Alexandria to brainstorm ideas for our celebration. Your thoughts and suggestions are welcome at this early stage......Just contact any one of us. And watch for news on our website and Facebook page when we announce the date and initial plans. In the meantime, please take good care. Vicki, Tom, Linda, Jo, Mary Jo, Dave, Meg and Bev.
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UPDATE: Tom Hintgen's new book, "Farmsteads and Old Neighborhoods," which includes photos and remembrances from FFHS Class of 1966 members, is now for sale for $15 at the OTCHS (Otter Tail County Historical Society-county museum) and Lundeen's. All proceeds go to the county museum. To order online, here's the info:
OTCHS: (or call 218-736-6038)
LUNDEEN'S: (or call 218-736-5433 / Toll Free 800-346-4870)